Water Damage Insurance Decorating Milton Keynes
This blog covers insurance work and water damage that Perfect Colours Decorating completed in November 2019. We were called to quote for remedial internal decorating works for a property that had suffered from water staining to the ceiling and walls in a dining room and entrance hall.
Water Damage Insurance Decorating Milton Keynes
We went to look at the job as normal after talking to the customer and agreeing a time to go look to do a quotation, on arrival when entering the property the customer tells me that its going to go through the insurance company and that he needs the quotation breaking down so that the insurance company can see it and he will all so be getting 3 other quotation and he will pick what one he wants to go with.

Dining Room Redecorating Ceiling, Walls and Entrance Hall
We gave him the quotation over email covering what work he needed doing that was water damage to the ceiling and walls in a dining room and entrance hall. This quotation was broken down as requested for the insurance company.
Filling in Walls and Ceilings – Decorating Preparation
This work by covering everything up and filling the walls and ceiling where needed. We then went on to treating the water damaged areas so that we can give it time to dry so that we can paint the areas that need paint. Ceiling and 3 walls in the dinning room and 3 walls in the entrance hall.
Quality Dulux Paint – Double Coats on Ceilings and Walls
We used a Dulux Supermatt white for best match and we put on 2 coats to the ceiling and walls in both rooms.
Dust Sheets and Tidying Up – Vacuum Cleaning
We then pick up all the dust sheets and uncover everything that was covered up like the table and chairs and other bits of furniture and put the little bits back where we got them from so that the room was how it was when we got there, we vacuum as well so that it’s nice and clean for when the customer comes back from work.
I always speak to the customer to check that they are happy with the work that our team have completed.